Friday, July 11, 2008

Jeez, I suppose this is vaguely familiar.......

thanks to Ugley Vicar via Tim Chesterton

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Feelgood video for the day

Sunday, July 06, 2008

In order to get some quiet time with a book on a Sunday afternoon it's occasionally necessary to set some boundaries. This is possibly taking it a little far.

The very latest thing

Unfold Google page whereever you happen to be. Images immediately appear in the rectangular spaces provided. Move the page to the right or left, up or down. Borders will adjust themselves accordingly.

This morning at Saint James the Less we're celebrating Sea Sunday at our Family Service. We do this once a year. We hold a Fellowship Lunch afterwards and make a donation to the Mission to Seafarers. A few years back one of our stalwarts discovered and old hymn from the Sankey hymnal which has become a favourite here in Penicuik. The lyrics are below and the dreadful MIDI tune-bar thingy is here

Light in the darkness, sailor, day is at hand!
See o’er the foaming billows fair haven’s land,
Drear was the voyage, sailor, now almost o’er,
Safe within the life boat, sailor, pull for the shore.

Pull for the shore, sailor, pull for the shore!
Heed not the rolling waves, but bend to the oar;
Safe in the life boat, sailor, cling to self no more!
Leave the poor old stranded wreck, and pull for the shore.

Trust in the life boat, sailor, all else will fail,
Stronger the surges dash and fiercer the gale,
Heed not the stormy winds, though loudly they roar;
Watch the “bright and morning Star,” and pull for the shore!

Bright gleams the morning, sailor, uplift the eye;
Clouds and darkness disappearing, glory is nigh!
Safe in the life boat, sailor, sing evermore;
“Glory, glory, hallelujah!” pull for the shore.